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Welcome to the National Monuments Service Wreck Viewer. This viewer displays data regarding the known wreck locations contained within the Wreck Inventory of Ireland Database (WIID).
Please note that the development of the wreck viewer is an ongoing project within the National Monuments Service and the viewer should not be relied upon as a definitive listing or display of all known wreck data. Records will be added to, refined and updated on an ongoing basis. It is envisaged that the accessibility of this data will be of assistance to all marine environment researchers and stakeholders and those interested in protecting underwater cultural heritage, including any individuals or organisations that might be planning development in marine, lacustrine or riverine environments.
Wrecks without a precise location are not displayed in the viewer but information on them can be downloaded from the “Wreck Data Download” link on the banner/header of the wreck viewer.
The information made available through this data set does not define the level of legal protection that might be afforded any individual wreck under the provisions of the National Monuments (amendment) Acts (1987 & 1994).
Located wrecks are represented on the map canvas by a red dot.
Please note that although this viewer has been designed to work on all web browsers the best results are obtained using Chrome.
Queries in relation to the content of this site should be sent to nationalmonuments@housing.gov.ie
Terms, Conditions and Information
Copyright Government of Ireland. This service was created by the National Monuments Service, Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. This copyright material is licensed for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
The permission to reproduce Government copyright material does not extend to any material on this site which may be the property of a third party. Authorisation to reproduce such material (e.g. ESRI mapping) must be obtained from the copyright holders concerned. All Rights Reserved.